Labels:book | chat room | reckoner | sky OCR: Features Bene] fits Full 32-hit. 68020 micro Provides increased speed. porver and operating at megaher performanco up to four times greater thar witti Apple's previrus 68000-based xrruouers --- - -- 68H31 floating-point tx>pioccsso1 Pertorms arithmetic calculations up to 200 times faster than previous syslerns --.. ..... ... .. I megabyte: of on-xard RAM [.ct5 you the most powerful sophis expandable to 8 megabytes ticated DIEMJOS available Accommodates extremch large models, and databases Provides the "flexibilily 0 yu need aciditional I memory. Witll MultiFinder. al lows yOU l uSC multipk applications imultaneouslv . . . ROM includes The Hicrare hical 1Filc Systen organizes -Hierarchical File System storage for docuents and allows -Drivers TCT Macintosh harel disk atcess tc files drives, ...